Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What YOU Need To Know Before Filing A Car Insurance Claim!

Accident happen every minute of every day. Last year alone, there was an estimated 5 million auto accidents. Your chances of being involved in an auto accident can be likely no matter how well or defensive of a driver you are. But what happens when i file a claim? Will my rates go up? Do i have to pay any money out of my pocket? Why the heck do I have insurance anyways?
Before your involved in an accident, make sure a few things.

1. Make sure you have liability limits that are tailored to your personal financial well being. If you make tons of money, keep higher liability limits. The worst thing I possibly can see is people who can afford higher liability limits and choose not to! Why? Do you know a driver can sue you for liability and if you do not  have adaquate limits, the difference will come out of your pocket!
2. How is the service of your insurance company? Did they just sell you insurance 20 dollars less than the other guy and when you need service, they disappeared!!! Buy insurance from a long standing company with good financial history and good experience in paying claims.

What should I do after I have been involved in a car accident?
1. Call the police immediately! Report any injuries.
2. Make sure you get the names of any witnesses who may have seen the accident occur.
3. Call your insurance agent. Let him/her know what happened and make sure they assist you and stand by you in every possible way.
4. Never admit to guilt when you are on the scene of a car accident. People could lie or be deceiving to get away from getting a ticket.

Please follow all these tips if you are involved in such a tragic incident. Buy insurance from a company because you can appreciate the ease of service, the value they provide you and the piece of mind they can offer you. Please do not buy insurance from a company just because they are cheaper than the next guy.

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