Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Teenager is licensed and I'm scared to DEATH!

So the dreaded time has finally arrived. My teenager got their drivers license and now my auto insurance rates are going sky high!!!!Yikes!!
Relax, no one likes to do it but it must be done! You really should have all your kids who are licensed under your auto policy. It gives them a chance to assume responsibility as well as build up a name for thems in the insurance world. Most companies will give discounts for good students who carry at least a 3.0 GPA. Our agency offers a TeenSmart discount which is a simple course to pass and you save MONEY! Here are some tips for helping  your teenager become a better driver
1. Avoid following other vehicles too closely(Also known as "tailgating")
2. Tell your teen not to drive if they are exhausted or distracted
3. Don't drive in other vehicles blinspots!

Did you know drivers who talk on a cell phone while driving are FOUR TIMES more likely to crash and injure themselves than those who don't?
Also, a message to all parents, SET A GOOD EXAMPLE! Your teen is much more likely to be a calm and courteous driver, wear a safety belt and obey the speed limit if he or she sees you do it. Call your agent, ask them if you qualify for any discounts because of a young driver...See if they offer a good student discount.

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