Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Want Affordable Insurance? Listen To This!

I run into lots of people on a daily basis. Some are prospects and some are already customers. They all have one IMPORTANT thing in common. They want the best insurance at a low low price. For some, this could be a reality and for others, Not so much. There are PLENTY of factors that determine your insurance rates, Here's a list of a few:

1. Keep your credit squeaky clean! For some people, this is harder than for others. Most Insurance companies now a days will run some form of a credit score or insurance score. The better the score, the better the rates. This process gives insurance companies an idea of what kind of risk they are insuring. With this process, they can give you a fair rate depending on your credit history.

2. Don't get any moving violations! Pretty obvious right? Some people just can't avoid the law. Take small steps in preventing this, such as: write yourself a "note" and stick it right next to your speedometer. Sounds goofy, but it does work. Typically one violation in the last 5 years doesn't affect you but any more than 1, pull out that wallet because most likely, you will be paying more.

3. What's your zip code where your vehicle is garaged? This is an important factor for everyone and most people don't know about it. If your living in a higher crime area, you will be paying more for insurance. So next time you move, think about that long and hard! In Michigan, Some examples of  higher cities to insure home and auto policies are Detroit or Dearborn.

4.  Do you OWN your home? With just about every insurance company, If you bundle your home and auto policy together, you will see significant discounts. Even if you just own your home, you will get a discount.

These are just a few tips on how to save money and get more affordable insurance. There are tons more so please feel free to ask me any questions on Facebook, or Twitter. Also feel free to give my agency a call at 734-434-1500.

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