Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Want Affordable Insurance? Listen To This!

I run into lots of people on a daily basis. Some are prospects and some are already customers. They all have one IMPORTANT thing in common. They want the best insurance at a low low price. For some, this could be a reality and for others, Not so much. There are PLENTY of factors that determine your insurance rates, Here's a list of a few:

1. Keep your credit squeaky clean! For some people, this is harder than for others. Most Insurance companies now a days will run some form of a credit score or insurance score. The better the score, the better the rates. This process gives insurance companies an idea of what kind of risk they are insuring. With this process, they can give you a fair rate depending on your credit history.

2. Don't get any moving violations! Pretty obvious right? Some people just can't avoid the law. Take small steps in preventing this, such as: write yourself a "note" and stick it right next to your speedometer. Sounds goofy, but it does work. Typically one violation in the last 5 years doesn't affect you but any more than 1, pull out that wallet because most likely, you will be paying more.

3. What's your zip code where your vehicle is garaged? This is an important factor for everyone and most people don't know about it. If your living in a higher crime area, you will be paying more for insurance. So next time you move, think about that long and hard! In Michigan, Some examples of  higher cities to insure home and auto policies are Detroit or Dearborn.

4.  Do you OWN your home? With just about every insurance company, If you bundle your home and auto policy together, you will see significant discounts. Even if you just own your home, you will get a discount.

These are just a few tips on how to save money and get more affordable insurance. There are tons more so please feel free to ask me any questions on Facebook, or Twitter. Also feel free to give my agency a call at 734-434-1500.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Now is the BEST time to review your Insurance!

In the United States, we have seen some tragic weather strike many of our cities. Just in the last few days a small town named Joplin, Missouri was bombarded with a mean tornado. More than 100 people have died. In any city you live in, you can't control what the weather is going to bring. But you can be PREPARED for it!

Is your homeowners insurance policy full of great coverages? Or it is full of ways to slash the price and underinsure yourself if something horrible was to happen? Don't get me wrong, everyone needs an affordable homeowners policy. But you do need to make sure of a few things:

1. Do you have a sump pump? And do you have the all important water-back up (sometimes called sewer) coverage? At the time you bought your policy, you were probably in a hurry to close on your home and just needed a few "papers" to finish the process. Go back and look and make sure you have this coverage right away, especially if you have a finished basement!

2. Can you afford your deductible? While insurance companies will cover a broad range of events, they will NOT pay your deductible. Some people carry deductible as high as $5000. While lowering your deductible can cause an increase in premium, it will assure you piece of mind if something horrible was to happen.

3. How high is your liability coverage? This day in age nobody sues for thousands anymore. It's very important to keep your liability limits similar to your financial well being. Don't be cheap on this! You should keep limits of it least $500,000. What if I come to your house and slip and hurt myself severly? What if you fail to salt your driveway in the winter and I slip and fell? These are just a few examples of events that could occur.

4. Just say NO to actual cash value! When you purchase a homeowners policy, make sure you have Replacement Cost. While you may think you should insure your home for market value, you may be opening a can of worms if you to have a total loss of your home. While the economy is still in the rut, your home value probably is too. But keep in mind, to build your house again from ground up it will cost more than whatever the actual cash value is. This is very IMPORTANT to know.

I hope these few tips will help just one person out there.
Please make sure to follow us on Facebook (www.facebook/khalilagency) and Twitter(http://twitter.com/KhalilAgency), for more insurance tips.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why Do You Rent And Not Have Renters Insurance?

Can you afford to replace all the "stuff" in your home or apartment? You know what i'm talking about. The flat screen tv, the leather couches, the beautiful computer. Just the few things I named could cost you about 2000 dollars at the very least to replace. So why don't you pay the few dollars a week it cost to protect these things?
If something were to happen, it could cost you a lot to replace all of your things at once.
An average renter owns about $20,000 worth of possessions. Here are some of the losses that renters insurance could cover:
Theft in your home or sometimes away from your home
Stolen credit cards
and much much more!

How about if a friend was accidently injured while on your property? Your renters insurance could help cover their medical expenses regardless of whose fault it is.

How about if a disaster forces you to move out of your home for a period of time? Your renters insurance could cover that for you too!

Wow! All this for about 20 to 30 dollars a month. Less than a dollar a day! You could typically save a few dollars on your auto policy as well depending on which company you are with. Don't think about it another minute. You can't afford to not have renters insurance! Call a local agent in your area. If you are in Michigan, Call me and I can answer any other questions you may have.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What YOU Need To Know Before Filing A Car Insurance Claim!

Accident happen every minute of every day. Last year alone, there was an estimated 5 million auto accidents. Your chances of being involved in an auto accident can be likely no matter how well or defensive of a driver you are. But what happens when i file a claim? Will my rates go up? Do i have to pay any money out of my pocket? Why the heck do I have insurance anyways?
Before your involved in an accident, make sure a few things.

1. Make sure you have liability limits that are tailored to your personal financial well being. If you make tons of money, keep higher liability limits. The worst thing I possibly can see is people who can afford higher liability limits and choose not to! Why? Do you know a driver can sue you for liability and if you do not  have adaquate limits, the difference will come out of your pocket!
2. How is the service of your insurance company? Did they just sell you insurance 20 dollars less than the other guy and when you need service, they disappeared!!! Buy insurance from a long standing company with good financial history and good experience in paying claims.

What should I do after I have been involved in a car accident?
1. Call the police immediately! Report any injuries.
2. Make sure you get the names of any witnesses who may have seen the accident occur.
3. Call your insurance agent. Let him/her know what happened and make sure they assist you and stand by you in every possible way.
4. Never admit to guilt when you are on the scene of a car accident. People could lie or be deceiving to get away from getting a ticket.

Please follow all these tips if you are involved in such a tragic incident. Buy insurance from a company because you can appreciate the ease of service, the value they provide you and the piece of mind they can offer you. Please do not buy insurance from a company just because they are cheaper than the next guy.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Teenager is licensed and I'm scared to DEATH!

So the dreaded time has finally arrived. My teenager got their drivers license and now my auto insurance rates are going sky high!!!!Yikes!!
Relax, no one likes to do it but it must be done! You really should have all your kids who are licensed under your auto policy. It gives them a chance to assume responsibility as well as build up a name for thems in the insurance world. Most companies will give discounts for good students who carry at least a 3.0 GPA. Our agency offers a TeenSmart discount which is a simple course to pass and you save MONEY! Here are some tips for helping  your teenager become a better driver
1. Avoid following other vehicles too closely(Also known as "tailgating")
2. Tell your teen not to drive if they are exhausted or distracted
3. Don't drive in other vehicles blinspots!

Did you know drivers who talk on a cell phone while driving are FOUR TIMES more likely to crash and injure themselves than those who don't?
Also, a message to all parents, SET A GOOD EXAMPLE! Your teen is much more likely to be a calm and courteous driver, wear a safety belt and obey the speed limit if he or she sees you do it. Call your agent, ask them if you qualify for any discounts because of a young driver...See if they offer a good student discount.