Thursday, August 25, 2011

What “helping” means to me professionally

Insurance is one of the most important bills you pay every month, quarterly, semi annually or annually. It is also one of the least favorite bills for people to pay every month. Why? Because some people may never file a claim in their entire LIFETIME! I am also willing to bet that if it wasn't a mandatory law to carry insurance, some people would be probably not even buy it. But that is where you are wrong!

Insurance is piece of mind. It's a feeling you can't describe. It's something that you can benefit from when tragedy occurs. Imagine being a recent hurricane victim and you lost everything! Your 200,000 dollars (or more) home was destroyed. Your 40,000 dollars worth of cars are flooded down the street. Who can you turn to at such a tragic time? Your INSURANCE!

I never wish anything bad upon my clients, but when the unfortunate occurs, There isn't a better feeling in the world than to help them out from beginning to end. So you ask, what does "helping" mean to me?

1. Answer my customers phone calls or emails right away! You would be amazed how many people can't get in touch with their insurance agents or companies. We do our best to return everyone's phone calls right away if we can't answer their question on the first call. All of our agents have their cell phone numbers printed on their email signatures and business cards. We encourage our customers to calll us on our cell phones if it is after business hours! Do you have your insurance agent's cell phone number?

2. We are "trusted advisors". In the insurance agency, Agencies benefit the most by keeping you as a client as long as possible. Hopefully forever! It is not a business where we can just "sell" you something and never have to deal with you again. We encourage people to buy the best coverages to fit their lifestyle. Because lets face it, If we don't give someone a coverage they should have, They will most likely have a claim and the claim may get denied and you lose a customer forever!

3. Being there when the customer needs me! Sounds simple right? I have been awaken in the middle of the night from phone calls from frantic customers who just had a car accident or had a horrible event occur at their home. And I take care of it as best as possible.

4. I have a goal to see that all our Auto claims in our office are paid within 3 days! And close to 95 percent of them are. I had a customer about a week ago have an auto accident on Thursday and had a check in their hands for the repairs on Friday!

5. Telling the truth. When you tell the truth, you don't have to stop and think "What did I tell that person again"?

6. When I tell you I am going to do something, I am going to do it! If I can help you, I will tell you that. If I can't help you, I will also tell you that.

I wake up every morning with one goal in mind. Providing World Class Service to all my policy holders and future policy holders. In the Insurance industry, there are certain things insurance agents can't control such as market trends or pricing. But I can control the Service and Value I provide to a customer. And I try to do that everyday through our Twitter and Facebook pages along with my daily activites in our agency. Tune in next week!

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